Workout of the Day 9/11/24

May we never forget 9/11. Our thoughts & prayers go out to the
families who tragically lost their lives on this day.

Midwest Fall Classic Week
Thurs. Sept. 26 @ 7pm// Judges’ Meeting
Fri. Sept. 27 from 4-6pm// Athlete Check-in
Fri. Sept. 27 @ 6pm// Volunteer Meeting
Sat. Sept. 28
7 am// Volunteers Arrive
7:15am// Athletes Arrive
8:00am// Midwest Begins!

51 Shirt & Tank Top Order
//Sign up at the chalkboard for your color & size!
// $25 each
//Deadline to sign up Fri. Sept. 27

Saturday Bootcamp// 8:00- 9:00am
Saturday Open Gym // 9:00-11:00am

Strict HSPUs
(15 min)
8min EMOM
Odd: 30 second Handstand Hold
Even: 30 seconds of (See Options Below)
Option 1: Box Strict HSPUs
Option 2: Strict HSPUs to Abmat (Must make contact)
Option 3: Strict HSPUs
Option 4: Strict Deficit HSPUs

3 Rounds
12 Dumbbell Front Raises
(RPE 8)
Rest 30 seconds
30% of your Max Set from Week 1
*Ex. If you got 10 reps on week 1, you will complete 3 reps today

Workout of the Day
For Time -12 min Target
(15 min cap)
Double Unders (Singles)
KB Swings @ 70/53 (53/35)
15 V-ups after each round

“We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. Every family that lives in grief.
We will remember…”
-George W. Bush