Workout of the Day 11/20/23

51 Hoodie Order
// TWO styles of hoodies// $50 each

Deadline to order Mon. Nov. 27th // Sign up sheet at the chalkboard!

Thanksgiving WOD// Thanksgiving Day Team WOD 8:00am-10:00am
// Click here to sign up you & your teammate!// Non-member Drop-In Rate $10 

Holiday Hours// Open Gym 9am- 11am Fri. Nov. 24 & Sat. Nov. 25

51 Christmas Party// Sat. Dec. 2nd from 6:00-8:00pm// Potluck Style// Sign up link will be up soon!

Barbell Club
Every 2 min for 10 min
Bench Press @ 70% 1RM

Workout of the Day
Regionals 16.3
For Time (11 min cap)
104 Wall balls @ 20/14 (80 WB or 14/10 WB)
52 Pull-ups (40 PU/ Banded PU/ Ring Rows)

*Goal is 7-9 min
*The stimulus for this couplet chipper is moderate-high intensity with an aggressive approach.
*Wall balls: Choose a weight you feel comfortable with, completing 20 reps at a time before breaking.
*Pull-ups: Break these up into manageable sets without going to failure.

Cool Down / Mobility
1 min foot smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)

1 min Couch Stretch (each side)
1 min Bicep Wall Stretch

“Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.”
-Jim Rohn