Workout of the Day 9/18/24

Midwest Fall Classic Week
Thurs. Sept. 26 @ 7pm// Judges’ Meeting
Fri. Sept. 27 from 4-6pm// Athlete Check-in
Fri. Sept. 27 @ 6pm// Volunteer Meeting
Sat. Sept. 28
7 am// Volunteers Arrive
7:15am// Athletes Arrive
8:00am// Midwest Begins!

51 Shirt & Tank Top Order
//Sign up at the chalkboard for your color & size!
// $25 each
//Deadline to sign up Fri. Sept. 27

Saturday Bootcamp// 8:00- 9:00am
Saturday Open Gym // 9:00-11:00am

Workout of the Day
For Time – 14 min Target
(18 min cap)
50/40 Calorie Row
40 Alt. Hang DB Snatch @ 50/35 (40/25)
40 Toes-to-Bar (Kipping Knees to Chest)
40 Alt. Hang DB Snatch
50/40 Calorie Row

(10-12  min)
4 Rounds
10 Barbell Strict Press (RPE 7)
12 Plate Front Raises (RPE 7)
10 Barbell Drag Curls (RPE 7)
-Rest 1 min-

“Your only competition is the person you were yesterday.”