Photo by Ashley Campbell
2024 CrossFit Open
// 3 weeks & 3 workouts every Friday during your class time
// Click here to sign up for the Open!
// Dress up Themes for each Friday in the Open!
Week 2: Crazy Socks
Week 3: 51 Gear
CrossFit Open After-Party
// Fri. March 15 at 6:00pm at the box
//Come & celebrate finishing the open!
//Pizza $5 per person
Pelvic Floor Clinic
// Hosted by Dr. Swengle from Vitality
// Sat. April 6th at 9-10am at 51
// $10 per person
Saturday Bootcamp// 8:00- 9:00am
Saturday Open Gym// 9:00- 11:00am
Alternating EMOM in 10 min
Odd Min: 5 Bench Press @ 60%
Even Min: 5 Strict Pull-ups (Strict Banded Pull-ups or 10 Ring Rows)
Team Workout
Teams of 2
20 min AMRAP
200m Partner Run
40 KB Swings @53/ 35 (45/25)
30/24 Calorie Bike
20 Handstand Push-ups (Modified HSPU)
*Partner Run: Stay together on the partner run & keep a steady pace both partners can maintain
*KB Swings: Choose a weight you can go unbroken with 15-20 reps
*Air Bike: Approach each bike with a high effort of 3-4 seconds, then coast down to a maintenance pace for the remaining calories.
*Handstand Push-ups: Choose a variation you can complete 5+ reps unbroken
Cool Down
1 min foot smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)
1 min calf stretch against wall (each side)
1 min foam roll upper back
“Fitness is not about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than you used to be.”